Repairing the Breach
ABM’S 2022 new Lenten Study
ABM’s brilliant new Lenten Study for 2022, ‘Repairing the Breach’, is now available.
Including seven studies that take you from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday.
Repairing the Breach examines what it means to be people of healing in a broken world. Written by a community of friends for a people of mission – and illustrated with stunning images painted by acclaimed artist, Carol Aust, ‘Repairing the Breach’ inspires, provokes and cajoles.
A truly Australian resource for parishes, study groups and individuals.
The Mission of God is to repair the breach. The people of God are participants in that work.
All breach-repair is relational.
A shamed and scared humanity looks at an immutable God, terrified to approach for fear of rejection and judgement. God, taking the ultimate risk, becomes human, builds relationships, steps into our shoes, loves us and is loved by us. God steps towards us. We step towards God. The Breach is repaired.
A poor community watches in despair as the wealthy nations chase further wealth. A visitor comes, not with answers, but with questions. Dialogue ensues. Every member of the community is consulted. Plans are made. Action is taken together. The breach is lessened. Love, hope, and justice begin their work.
Be part of this exciting new study that leads us to realisation and healing.

‘Repairing the Breach’ is available digitally
Please click the button below to view the New Lent Study