Martyrs’ Day Resources
Resources for planning a service to commemorate the New Guinea Martyrs
Information about the Martyrs and liturgical resources.
Click on the button to access resources to use when preparing a service of any sort.
This document contains
- Q&A on the Martyrs
- Prayers for the Martyrs
- Suggested hymns

Graphic to use in order of service, pew sheet, parish bulletin, slides
Click on the button to download a .jpg file for use in any printed or electronic documents or presentations.

New Guinea Martyrs Day Graphic Image
Prayer examples
You will find more examples in the above Resources PDF document available for download.
A Prayer for the Martyrs from PNG
Let Us Pray
Father, we thank you for your martyrs of Papua New Guinea; they obeyed the call of your Son Jesus Christ to take up the cross and follow him, and so they glorified you by their deaths. May their witness and their prayers make strong your Church in this land: and may we, your servants today, follow their example of faithfulness and courage, work for your kingdom, and be joined with them forever: through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord who lives and rules with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.
Collect 1
All powerful and ever-living God, turn our weakness into strength: As you gave the martyrs of Papua New Guinea the courage to suffer death for Christ, give us the courage to live in faithful witness to you. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Collect 2
Living God, You made your Church to grow Through the zeal, courage and unflinching witness Of your servants martyred in New Guinea: Give to us and all your people Such steadfast faith in your good purposes That we may serve you faithfully Wherever you have stationed us: Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
A Prayer for us and our Brothers and Sisters in PNG
Almighty God, there is no greater love than to give our lives for your friends. Grant us and the people of Papua New Guinea the courage to make our own sacrifice. And may we, in the company of your Martyrs, gaze with joy upon the face of Christ.

© Ballarat Diocese. Used with permission.

Lucien Tapiedi Westminister Abbey.

Section of mural from Dogura Cathedral by the Rev’d James Benson, depicting the New Guinea Martyrs.

The memorial window to the founder of the Melanesian Brothers – Ini Kopuria – in the Brothers Chapel at Tabalia Solomon Islands.

Support the work of the Anglican Church of PNG today
ABM AID’s Martyrs Day Gift supports the ongoing work of the church, inspired by the example of the Martyrs.
You can find out more by clicking below.