Climate for Change
Studies about the Climate Crisis
The COVID 19 pandemic has created a climate for change. It has laid bare inequality and provided a dress rehearsal for what awaits if we fail to address Climate Change and cut our carbon emissions.
Climate for Change is a challenge to take our love and responsibility for the world seriously. Many of us have known for some time that we need not only to ‘care’ but also to ‘act’.
Russell Rollason walks with us through a series of studies that help us realise not only that we can act – but that we must. These studies provide reasons to change and pathways that will allow us to turn our good intentions into concrete, world-saving action.
There is time to change the future of our planet. We need to be informed, to get angry and to get going. As Augustine of Hippo said, “Hope has two beautiful daughters, their names are anger and courage. Anger that things are the way they are, and courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”
Climate for Change urges people of faith and hope to become activists for a sustainable future. Our children and grandchildren will inherit the fruit of our decisions.
“I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if your house is on fire. Because it is”, Greta Thunberg at the World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland, January, 2019.
What should we do about Climate Change? Is it really urgent? Where lies our Hope in Christ for a better world? Explore these questions and links in a new set of five discussion studies: Climate for Change.
Each year, from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family around the world celebrates the Season of Creation in prayer and action to protect our common home, God’s creation.

Written specially for ABM as a contribution to the global ecumenical Season of Creation, the studies are available for free download or can be purchased in an A4 printed booklet.
This series of five studies is an excellent introduction to the interconnected challenges facing humanity in the 21st century – climate change, pandemics, the degradation of the biosphere, and the growing inequalities within and between countries. There is much to be learned from exploring ourselves and our contemporary societies – values, behaviours, systems, communities and responsibilities.
These studies could be a blistering attack on our human selfishness, neglect and abuse. Instead there is the encouragement and assistance for each person to contribute in some way, however small, to bring about change.
The Anglican Board of Mission – Australia works with and for vulnerable communities around the world. Many of our Partners are on the front-line of climate change impact. The incredible work they are doing to make real change in their communities inspires us to look at what we can do here in Australia. By publishing and promoting Russell’s brilliant studies, we hope that people around the country will be challenged to work for a better future for this country and for the world we love. This study has also received financial support from The Oikoumene Foundation and Professor Peter Newman, donations for which we are extremely grateful.
The studies are available for free download, or purchase your printed copy now.
As mentioned in the Climate for Change Studies, here is the Deeper Dive into the issues of Inequality and Racism
ABM encourages all our supporters to engage with the Season of Creation – from 1 September to 4 October this year and every year.