
ABM has a rich and complicated history of involvement with the First Nations peoples of Australia, including some significant failings. We believe that the task of working for reconciliation within Australia is integral to mission.

Our Church is blessed by the sacrificial ministry of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans. These leaders are often working with vastly inadequate resources, and in situations of very high need. ABM strives to correct that inequity by channelling the generous giving of the wider church to equip Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders to carry out the work they are called to do.

ABM believes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have unique gifts for our Church. ABM supports the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC) and the National Aboriginal Bishop in their call to elevate the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the church, and in society. We believe that the voices emerging from the struggles of people marginalised in our own society help us to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church, and to prophetically imagine the future God is calling us into together.

Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Projects

Wontulp-Bi-Buya College

Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to become leaders in their church and communities through an education at Wontulp-Bi-Buya College.

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Diploma of Theology students, Wontulp-Bi-Buya College ©Wontulp-Bi-Buya College


Work towards Reconciliation is an important manifestation of mission. ABM seeks to build platforms for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans to speak prophetically to the wider church.

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Gods’ Own Country, ABM’s 2024 Lent Study. © Rev’d Aunty Robyn Davis. Used with permission.


NATSIAC’s vision is to be the primary voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans, promoting Gospel mission, encouraging ministry, and generating resources.

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Photo of artwork painted by Belinda Roberts specifically for the NATSIAC Gathering 2023. © Belinda Roberts. Used with permission.

Nungalinya College

Support Nungalinya College in the Northern Territory to deliver their Foundation Studies courses to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, as they prepare to lead their churches and communities.

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Studying at Nungalinya College ©Nungalinya College

The Diocese of the Northern Territory

Support Aboriginal communities in the Diocese of the Northern Territory to strengthen their churches and give them a voice in the diocese, so that their needs and aspirations are recognised and implemented.

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Students participating in WALK, a forum for discussing matters that affect Aboriginal churches and Aboriginal people within the wider Diocese of the Northern Territory ©Diocese of the Northern Territory

Gawura School

Support First Nations students as they progress through their education in a supportive and enriching environment.

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School assembly for NAIDOC Week at Gawura campus ©Gawura

“The Coming of the Light”

Support the Meriba Maygi Zageth Anglican Council and the work of the Melanesian Brothers in the Torres Strait as they celebrate ‘the Coming of the Light’.

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Celebrating the Coming of the Light ©Diocese of North Queensland

The Diocese of North Queensland

Support the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans in the Diocese of North Queensland as autonomous Anglican councils provide local ministry and mission.

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Visit by the Archbishop of Canterbury to Yarrabah community, Far North Queensland ©Diocese of North Queensland

Reconciliation Resources

NAIDOC Week Resources

NAIDOC Week Resources

NATSIAC secretary, the Reverend Canon Auntie Di Langham has shared a copy of her NAIDOC week service and other NAIDOC resources ahead of NAIDOC Week (first Sunday in July until the second Sunday, inclusive).

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Road to Somewhere. © Art work by Glenn Loughrey. Used with permission.
The Voice Referendum

The Voice Referendum

ABM has created a new resource page featuring links to resources, articles, websites etc which particularly express Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices on the proposed National Referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Australian Constitution.

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Other Resources

Prayers for Reconciliation

See content here

Empower to Teach

Resources for schools supporting teachers to teach indigenous culture and history.

So that we Remember

Bringing awareness of Australia’s violent past, documented over a 365-day historical calendar.