Churches in Zambia and PNG helping women take the lead to improve their lives

Mar 18, 2025

The statistics showing rates of violence against women in Australia and around the world can be depressing – add in poverty, lack of education and employment opportunities, and the lives of women in the countries where ABM AID’s partners work can be very difficult. It is too easy to focus on these negatives. The presentations at the Lent Appeal 2025 online event, however, show what can be achieved when women are given opportunities to learn and earn an income, and men stand alongside the women in their communities to say ‘no’ to violence and oppression and ‘yes’ to non-violent conflict resolution.

On the eve of the World Day of Prayer, over 30 ABM supporters from across Australia gathered online to hear stories of women’s empowerment from ABM AID partners in Zambia and Papua New Guinea. Ellen Mubanga, Country Director of Zambia Anglican Council Outreach Program and Annsli Kabekabe from the Anglican Church of PNG shared about the challenges women in their countries must overcome if they want to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. In both countries, the Anglican Church is helping women to build peace, gain confidence and become economically empowered in partnership with ABM AID and using funds donated by generous Australian Anglicans.

Anglicare Australia CEO, Kasy Chambers, was pleased to host the event given the close connection with the work being done by the Anglicare Australia network across Australia.

The highlight of the event was hearing the case studies of women who had benefited from the work of the two partners – here are just two of them

Catherine in Zambia: Catherine joined a Savings With Education (SWE) group and received a loan to invest in her cabbage business. After paying back the loan she had enough profit to improve her house. She continues to manage a successful business, providing for her family and enjoying a healthy relationship with her husband.

Betty in PNG: As a result of attending adult literacy classes, Betty has improved her confidence, literacy skills and related workplace skills and has also reported improvements in her job performance.

At the end of the event supporters were able to ask questions of the guest speakers. Kasy commended the partners for their thoughtful and intentional work, emphasizing the importance of involving both men and women in the prevention and resolution of domestic violence. Kasy encouraged all present to reflect on Annsli’s challenge: “We are agents of change. What are you going to do about it?”. She encouraged those present to donate to the Lent Appeal and to share information about it with their parishes and networks