Australian Anglicans Engage with ‘Repairing the Breach’
Across Australia, Anglicans are gathering each week to engage with ABM’s latest mission study, ‘Repairing the Breach’.
Whether it be entirely on Zoom, or a hybrid meeting, or with everyone gathered in the one room, people are reading, reflecting and learning about God’s mission and how we are called to change and be changed as we participate in it.
ABM has gathered some stories from parishes around the country about their experiences so far of ‘Repairing the Breach’.
In urban Adelaide, parishioners from St Richard Lockleys shared their reflections on using the study:
“I am finding the book enjoyable to sit with quietly and sharing my thoughts of a particular page with the study group for discussion”
“The Prayer pages, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me….’, are really powerful at the end of each study session. A wonderful study resource for Lent.”
“A beautifully written book, challenging and thought provoking”.
“Repairing the Breach is an inspiring book for our Lenten study. It asks challenging questions and invites us on an amazing journey with Jesus and the Holy Spirit throughout the pages. The book encourages us to really consider our role in mission, to build on our existing mission, and create a stronger connection with ABM. We recommend this study to individuals for personal reflection, other parishes, and groups.”
Some groups are using the study as valuable resource and guidance material for their own particular needs. For example, in Ballarat, the Rev’d Dr Mark Garner has been leading two groups, one via Zoom and one face-to-face.
The Diocese of Ballarat wrote:
“Two Lenten study groups are associated with Ballarat Diocese this year. One meets on Monday evenings in the cathedral, the other online on Wednesday evenings. The total numbers are around 20. Both groups are using ‘Repairing the Breach’ as a guide and resource. The theme for each week’s discussion is taken from the book, and provides the focus for input from the group leader, Rev’d Dr Mark Garner, and the subsequent discussion.
“We do not follow the text closely, but draw on some of the excellent materials. Group members are encouraged to use the book in their private devotions. The discussions have been lively and enriching, and participants have been very positive in their comments on the series.”
Do you have a story to tell about using ‘Repairing the Breach’? If so, please send it to We’d love to hear from you.

Parishioners from St Richard Lockleys study ‘Repairing the Breach’. © St Richard Lockleys. Used with permission.