ABM Supporter Survey Results – Part 1
Part 1: Thanks and what we’ve learnt
ABM is blessed by our many prayerful, generous and loyal supporters. In late 2021, we asked you a series of questions to help us learn more about you and how we can work better with you to further God’s mission. In addition to your responses to our questions, many of you shared your ABM story.
Your stories have encouraged us and affirmed the importance of the work we do with our partners in Australia and overseas.
Over the coming months we’ll share the findings from the Supporter Survey and some of your ABM stories. If you’d like to share your ABM story in this way, please write to info@abmission.org.au
The survey was sent out to almost 4,000 people and we received 761 responses – 401 paper forms and 360 electronically.
Our supporters are motivated by many different things, but the survey results showed us your top five motivations:
You want:
- …to see God’s love, hope and justice brought to all people
- …to live in a world where everyone can read and write
- …human rights to be cherished and celebrated
- …to see clergy and lay leaders in developing countries trained appropriately and professionally for their own contexts
- …to live in a world where everybody can drink clean water and access a working toilet.
Supporters were asked to describe ABM in three words. The image here shows those results pictorially – the more a word was mentioned, the larger it is. The top 10 words/phrases are:
Care, Caring
Love, Love in action, Loving
Mission, Missional
Supportive, Solidarity
Help, Helpful, Helping
Hope, Hopeful
Ethical, Honest, Integrity, Trust, Trustworthy, Truth-focussed
ABM is also very grateful to the 126 supporters who showed an interest in becoming regular donors and a further 35 who are interested in leaving a bequest to ABM in their will. The thoughtful generosity of these donors supports ABM’s long-term sustainability.
Thank you to all our supporters who took the time to complete the survey and share with us their ABM story. We hope you too are encouraged by this report, and will enjoy the stories we’ll share over the coming months.