A Voice in the Wilderness
Tasmanian Anglicans ‘Listening to the Statement from the Heart”
In 2017, a group of 250 indigenous leaders representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders from all around Australia, endorsed the Uluru Statement from the Heart. They called for recognition of First Nations’ peoples and a representative voice enshrined in the Australian Constitution.
ABM responded to the Statement from the Heart with an 8-part study, A Voice in the Wilderness: Listening to the Statement from the Heart*. This study was designed to help the church listen to the Statement from the Heart and to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians.
Since then, many Anglican groups have taken up the challenge to read, reflect on and discuss the study.
Late last year, a group of about 14 members from several parishes in Launceston, Tasmania, met to do the study at Holy Trinity Church, under the leadership of the Rev’d Warwick Cuthbertson, who sent this report:
“Despite beginning with little or no background education regarding the history of our First Nations’ disempowerment, we were challenged by the startling reality of our horrific shared history. However, through deep reflection, we have grown in understanding and empathy, and each of us will hopefully now help spread the importance of these issues, addressed in the Statement from the Heart.
“A motion passed at Diocesan Synod in October, 2020, encouraged all Tasmanians to read and reflect on the words of the Statement from the Heart, and recommended this ABM study publication.
“Holy Trinity is purchasing six copies of ABM’s publication to loan to parishioners. The group commends it to all churches.
“All people are created in God’s image. Let us strive for equality for all our brothers and sisters. Truth-telling is essential. You can start by reading the book.”
Thanks to this group for sharing their story.
*To download a free PDF version of the Study, or to purchase a print copy, please click here [link coming soon]