Supporter Stories
Churches in Zambia and PNG helping women take the lead to improve their lives
On the eve of the World Day of Prayer, ABM supporters heard how the Anglican Church empowers women in Zambia and PNG. Host Kasy Chambers emphasized involving men and women in preventing domestic violence, echoing Annsli’s challenge: “We are agents of change. What are you going to do about it?”
ABM Pilgrims in Sri Lanka
The recent ABM pilgrimage to Sri Lanka to meet with ABM AID’s newest partner, the Anglican Church of Ceylon, was a transforming experience. Read on to learn more.
Out and about with ABM – October 2024
Find out what ABM and some of our supporters have been up to recently as we all seek to discern what God is doing and join in!
How Australian churches commemorated the New Guinea Martyrs in 2024
See our 2024 Martyrs of New Guinea Photo Gallery and be inspired for your own commemoration of the Martyrs in 2025.
The Legacy of the New Guinea Martyrs Lives on in Friendship and Hospitality
Read about the visit to Australia of Bishop Reginald Makele from the Diocese of New Guinea Islands, and what the Martyrs of New Guinea means to him.
ABM Diocesan Representatives Envision the Future Together in Brisbane
July saw the annual ABM Diocesan Representatives conference held in Brisbane. At a dinner following the conference, a lively discussion was held on ABM and the church in the next 25 years.