A Busy Term Three at Gawura!
Supporters of our Gawura Project will be interested to read a quick overview of the students’ activities during Term 3 this year. It was a busy term for Gawura students – with everything from an athletics carnival, Book Week activities, a Junior School performance of the musical, Madagascar, to an excursion to Sydney Zoo at Blacktown for an Indigenous Immersion Experience. And if you’re in the Blacktown (western Sydney) area at any time, you might wish to have that Indigenous Immersion Experience yourself.
Here is what Gawura said about Book Week, where students were exposed to two great role models:
Book Week was also celebrated in Term 3. This year’s theme is “Dreaming With Eyes Open“. A number of renowned Australian authors visited Gawura including the amazing Corey Tutt OAM from Deadly Science and Young Australian of the Year in 2020. Corey (from Gomaroi Country) is the Indigenous author of the children’s book “Australia’s First Scientists” which has won several awards and received major acclaim nationwide for sharing how Indigenous people used science for over 80,000 years to produce systems of sustainability. Wonderful to see such a powerful role model within our school.
Other Book Week activities included the Years 5 and 6 students going to the Sydney Opera House for an Indigenous Literacy Day Live Event and met Indigenous Literacy Ambassador Jessica Malboy, who spoke about the importance of reading and Indigenous Language.
Anglicans in Development wishes to thank all our generous donors who contribute to the student scholarship.