Special 1st February prayers for Myanmar
Tuesday 1 February is the first anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar
ABM encourages our friends and supporters to put time aside today to pray for the people of Myanmar, for their struggles, hopes and aspirations.
Since last February, there has been an increase in conflict between the government and ethnic groups around the country. Many people have been forced to flee their homes and seek shelter and support in other parts of the country or across national borders.
The economy shrank in 2021 from the combined effect of COVID-19 and the coup.
The church continues to respond to human need wherever it is found, whether that be supporting the sick during the COVID-19 outbreaks, or helping people whose livelihoods have disappeared, or providing food and shelter to people displaced due to conflict.
We invite you to pray this prayer with us:
Eternal God,
we stand here in sorrow before you
commemorating the day
one year ago
of the coup in Myanmar.We remember all who have subsequently died,
either as a result of their protesting,
or because of treatment for covid denied.We recall all those who have been forcibly disappeared since that day,
whose whereabouts are now unknown.We call to mind all those whose lives have been disrupted,
especially the children whose futures have been taken away.On this day we continue to pray that the country’s leadership
turn from tyranny and atrocity,
that the will of the people be respected,
and that Myanmar become a byword for unity and peace, stability and harmony.This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.