A new prayer from NATSIAC for The Voice

May 3, 2023

This prayer was written by Wiradjuri Anglican Priest and NATSIAC Chair, the Rev’d Canon A/Prof Glenn Loughrey, and is being distributed through NATSIAC. Please share widely.

God who listens,
open our hearts to hear the gentle invitation of those without a voice;
placeless and dispossessed of all that was theirs,
instead of anger, revenge or blame,
they offer in their open hand absurd generosity,
an act of transformational forgiveness¬
from the centre of their being to ours:
May we sense the integrity of country speaking to country, body to body;
and find within ourselves the humility to accept and journey together,
to become our nation’s better future,
resolving our colonial memory, Australia’s original sin.
As Jesus gave his body for ours,
help us to receive and pass on this gift of new life,
for his name’s sake.

See also our Resources: Reconciliation