More than $60,000 has been raised for AID’s Ukraine appeal
Ukraine Emergency Appeal Report
Since we began our emergency appeal for people affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in March this year, we have raised more than $60,000 thanks to very generous supporters.
As we know, the war tragically continues, and refugees from Ukraine into other parts of Europe now number more than 7.5 million people, with a further 8 million people displaced within Ukraine itself.
We have been sending our funds raised to Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance – the Alliance of churches and their aid agencies who are members of the World Council of Churches. Anglicans in Development (AID) is a member of ACT, and we are grateful to the work of other ACT members* in providing vital assistance to many Ukrainian refugees in host countries Hungary and Romania and within Ukraine itself.
AID’s funds have contributed to 80,000 refugees receiving cash assistance, shelter information assistance, and psychosocial advice and counselling in Hungary. Additionally, more than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in Romania have received information assistance, shelter, meals and other food distribution. In Ukraine itself, ACT members have assisted almost 400,000 people with cash, meals at community kitchens, meal kits, dry food baskets, bottled water and hygiene kits.
AID asks all our supporters to continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine, and you may wish to use this prayer:
Loving God,
We join with people in many parts of the world
to pray for the people of Ukraine.
Console those who have lost loved ones,
those who are injured,
and those who are frightened.
We pray especially for children, women and men
who have fled their homes.
Give warm and generous hearts
to those whose countries they have fled to.
And bring peace to our warring world.
In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace,
*These ACT members are AID Romania, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, Swiss-based HEKS/EPER, and the Lutheran World Federation.