You can show your support in many ways
There are many different ways in which you can show your support for ABM and get involved in mission. This could be through fundraising, building awareness of our organisation within your parish or community, or simply by keeping in touch with what’s happening at ABM.

At ABM, we are always looking for volunteers who can help to support our staff at our friendly head office in Sydney.
You can check for any new voluntary positions which will be advertised on the SEEK Volunteer and GoVolunteer websites.
Most positions will be in administrative support and tasks can be quite varied but we often try to match your skills and experiences as best we can so that you may benefit from your time here.
Our volunteers play such an important role within our organisation and we welcome people from all different backgrounds and life experiences to join us in God’s work.

Fundraising Resources
You can hold a fund raising event either individually or within your church. Some ideas can be as simple as having a special morning tea, baking cupcakes or biscuits to sell, or inviting people over to watch one of our DVDs to inform them about the work of our Partners.
We can provide you with helpful resources such as money boxes, donation envelopes, DVDs, printed materials such as Partners magazine,our Prayer Diary, posters and project sheets.
Borrow a Banner
ABM has several banners which are used during events. If you would like to borrow a banner for your event, please feel free to contact us – details are listed below.
Book a Speaker
Invite a speaker to your parish or organisation to learn more about the mission work of the Anglican Church around the world. Please note – preference will be given to events for 50 or more people.

Prayer for the Anglican Board of Mission
God of all,
bless the Anglican Board of Mission
as it serves the Church in Australia
and our partner churches overseas.
Inspire its work and its vision
that all may come to know your justice,
your peace and your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(A Prayer Book for Australia, p 214)

Join the Auxiliary
The Auxiliary of ABM celebrated its centenary in 2010.
It began in Sydney in July 1910, starting off as the Women’s Auxiliary of ABM for the purpose of keeping church women informed about ABM, its aims and plans, and also to enlist their support. This first meeting was presided over by the wife of the Governor, Lady Chelmsford.
The ABM Auxiliary prays for, promotes and supports the work of ABM. Membership of the Auxiliary is open to all members of the Anglican Church.
In 1965 the Central Council established “Special Projects”, where a project would be the focus of prayer and fundraising for the following year. Over the years the Auxiliary has raised over one million dollars! Today this tradition continues to be the Auxiliary’s major activity in supporting ABM.
View a list of projects supported by the Auxiliary since 1965.

Become an Associate
Share the vision for mission
There is a great need for Australian Anglicans to be engaged with and participate in God’s mission through ABM.
ABM is the mission agency which belongs to the Anglican Church of Australia, but it only can survive if Australian Anglicans support it. One way that you can be involved is by joining our Associates Program. This program is part of our constitution, and it allows people to contribute to the Board and committee structure of ABM.
Associates of ABM have an opportunity to participate in the running of the organisation. Associates have the opportunity to elect a member of ABM’s Board who can then also be a member of any ABM governance committees. These Associate members are elected for a term of three years. Every year a meeting of Associates will be called at which the Executive Director of ABM will provide a report.
Being an Associate is an expression of commitment to ABM. It is only one way, but it’s a way that carries with it some constitutionally protected rights to participate.
To become an Associate, please click on the link below, or phone ABM Reception on 1300 302 663, or email

Collect Stamps
Yes! ABM still wants your used stamps!
For many, many years ABM has been accepting used postage stamps as part of our fundraising. Today this practice continues with our loyal supporters from the different dioceses around Australia sending us stamps on a regular basis. This represents millions of stamps and many, many hours of effort from a large number of Friends of ABM who collect, cut, sort and sell.
We also sometimes receive whole collections from stamp collectors and some of these collections prove to be very valuable when sold – a generous gift to ABM! In fact, if you wish to donate stamp albums, it’s important to leave all the stamps in the album, and not to take them out (as some have assumed to be more helpful). Albums sold at auction can often fetch much more than stamps out of albums. Likewise, if you have stamps in perforated sheets, it’s best to leave them in that format.
Most stamps are sold to stamp dealers to be used in ‘mission mixture packs’.
Here are some more tips for getting stamps ready to send to ABM:
- Try to leave about 1cm of envelope or postcard on each side of used stamps.
- Do send your parish or individual address so that ABM can send a thank-you letter.
- Remember not to include stamps in the same envelope as other important mail or cheques.
ABM would like to say A BIG THANK YOU to all our collectors and helpers for this tremendous effort and to encourage you all to keep collecting used stamps as the money raised goes towards our work in mission.
Please send your stamps to:
ABM – Australia
Locked Bag Q4005
Queen Victoria Building
NSW 1230
For all enquiries about how you can help, please contact us anytime, we’d love to hear from you.