How is AID Tackling Climate Change?
We acknowledge the urgency of the need to address climate change and are supporting our partners to do just that.
We acknowledge the global consensus of the scientific community, as expressed by the UN-backed Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that human activity since the industrial revolution has been the primary cause of the rise in global temperature. See their latest report here:
And we have our own Climate Change Position Statement.
With our partners in countries such as Kenya, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, The Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji we are working either to support communities to adapt to climate change, or to mitigate its effects. With some partners we are doing both.
One of our Kenyan partners is helping poor farming communities produce drought-resistant crops, supporting tree planting, providing solar-powered water pumps, and providing training in building more fuel-efficient stoves to reduce the demand for charcoal and thus limit deforestation. See Kenya Sustainable Livelihoods project.
Partners in the Pacific are providing training in first aid and in conducting rapid needs assessments and helping communities to better prepare for common climate-related hazards like floods and cyclones. See Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Global Disaster Management and Climate Change Fund.
AID also works closely with the Anglican Alliance, supporting global Anglican advocacy in the urgent need to address climate change.
AID is part of the Anglican Alliance Resilience Course, which focuses on supporting communities to find resilience in responding to the impacts of climate change and other disasters. The course covers topics such as climate resilience, coping with trauma, women and girls in humanitarian responses, safeguarding and much more.
You can watch the latest Anglican Alliance Climate Change video here:
AID has also produced a map of Anglican responses to climate change globally.
And we work with Actions by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance, a worldwide coalition of over 137 churches and faith-based organisations in 127 countries. See some of their work on climate change here:

Kenyan school children help to plant and water new trees as part of a ‘school greening’ campaign. © ADSE.
AID’s Partners Take Seriously the Fifth Mark of Mission
As the Season of Creation approaches, you can read how AID’s partners in Kenya, the Philippines, Myanmar and the Solomon Islands are caring for creation in their parts of the world.