You are invited!
Join Anglicare Australia Executive Director, Kasy Chambers for the online (Zoom) launch of the ABM AID Lent Appeal 2025 and hear from our partners in Zambia and Papua New Guinea about the work they do with communities to help women break free from violence, injustice and oppression and build peace, gain confidence and become economically empowered.
You will meet the women who help run two of the programs featured in ABM AID’s Lent Appeal 2025:
- Ellen M.C. Mubanga, Country Director, Zambia Anglican Council Outreach Programme
- Annsli Kabekabe, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning Coordinator for the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea’s Church Partnership Program

Kasy Chambers, Anglicare Australia.

Ellen M.C. Mubanga, ZACOP.

Annsli Kabekabe, ACPNG.
DATE: Thursday 6 March
5pm (NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
4.30pm (SA)
4pm (QLD)
3.30pm (NT)
2pm (WA)
Duration: 1 hour
The event will be recorded, so please let us know if you can’t attend but would like to receive a link to the recording by selecting ‘I can’t attend’ on the link below.
RSVP by Tuesday 4 March by clicking on the link below or to info@abmission.org.au or 1300 302 663.
A zoom link will be sent the morning of the event.
You can support the Lent Appeal 2025 below