GIFT 2025

Bringing hope to the Holy Land

This Good Friday, as we gather to tell the story of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, we turn our eyes to the Holy Land.

There, in the place where Jesus was crucified, we see despair.

Conflict in the region has taken countless lives. 


But this Good Friday, we have a chance to bring hope.

Our friends in the Diocese of Jerusalem continue to do the work that is needed.

Tending to the sick.

Comforting the destitute.

Caring for the children.


They have asked for our help. This Good Friday, will we respond?

In the city of Zarka, Jordan lies Saviour School. Founded in 1955, the school educates over 250 students from kinder to Year 12.

It is the only school in the city offering an inclusive education for children who are blind or visually impaired.

In a world of chaos, Saviour School is a haven of safety and learning for the children who need it most.

But the school’s facilities need repair.

And Dua’a Bisharat, the headmistress, is asking us, her brothers and sisters in Australia, for help.

The school’s outdoor area is old and broken.

Children trip over holes and cracks during playtime, injuring themselves. Water pools after rain, causing the surface to become slippery and dangerous.

This space, used for children’s games, assemblies, graduations and events, is now 70 years old and does not meet safety standards. It desperately needs renewal.

Children should feel safe and joyful when they play at school. But there is a way you can help.

This Good Friday, your generous gift will enable the Diocese of Jerusalem to repair the school’s outdoor area, so that children can run and play without fear of injury.

With your assistance, they can also install solar panels, providing clean and affordable power.

Letting the lights shine on and giving children, the next generation, the education they deserve.

The Diocese of Jerusalem needs $30,000 to meet the costs of repairing the outdoor area and installing solar panels. With your contribution, together, we can fill this gap. 


This Good Friday, will you be a light in the darkness? Will you reach with hope into a broken world and lend a hand?

When you and I come together this Good Friday, we remember Christ’s love for us, so strong that it led to the cross of Calvary. To the resurrection of hope and life for all people.

We look to his example and seek to live out his love for the world.

We stand, as we have since the aftermath of World War I, with our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Jerusalem, reassuring them that we have not forgotten them in their time of need.

That in a world of hatred, there is love.

There is hope.

There is justice.

This Good Friday, be that light in the world.

Give generously to the Good Friday Gift.


We hope to raise


Donation code: XG011


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