AID is a member of the Australian Council for International Development, and is a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct. AID’s commitment to the ACFID Code of Conduct requires us to meet high standards of corporate governance, public accountability and financial management. In our work with partners the Code also holds us to:
- high standards in the support of human rights, safeguarding and inclusion;
- ensuring local participation, local empowerment and local ownership;
- implementing sustainable, high quality and effective programs; and
- a collaborative approach to our partners and the communities they serve.
AID’s status as a signatory to the Code of Conduct ensures that the organisation will be a good steward of its resources, and will work with integrity and transparency in supporting the projects and programs of our Partners. In all its fundraising activities, AID is committed to the ACFID Fundraising Charter.

ACT Alliance
AID is a member of the Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance. ACT Alliance is a coalition of more than 140 churches and church-related organisations working together in over 100 countries to create positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people. Many of the humanitarian emergency responses in which ABM becomes involved, are implemented by ACT members around the world.

Anglicare Alliance
AID conducts much of its work through the auspices of The Anglican Alliance (for Development, Relief & Advocacy). The work of the Alliance is grounded in the Church’s mission to challenge and change the unjust structures of the world. The Anglican Alliance has a mandate to bring together development, relief and advocacy work across the Communion. AID is an active member of this Alliance, supporting Anglican churches around the globe in their development, relief and advocacy work.

Church Agencies Network
AID is part of The Church Agencies Network, a network of 11 like-minded church-based international development agencies sharing skills and resources to improve their practices. Occasionally members and their partners will collaborate on a particular project to achieve maximum effectiveness. All the members are signatories to the ACFID Code.

CAN – Disaster Operations
The Church Agencies Network Disaster Operations is a consortium of eight CAN members, including AID, working together to strengthen communities facing humanitarian crises.

Transparency International
Transparency International is a worldwide organisation dedicated to fighting corruption and promoting transparency, integrity and accountability at all levels and across all sectors of society, including government. ABM is a member of Transparency International Australia.

Micah Australia
ABM supports Micah Australia, an advocacy organisation, motivated by Christian principles to speak out against social exclusion, injustice, abuse and exploitation.

The Campaign for Australian Aid
ABM supports The Campaign for Australian Aid, an advocacy movement of people, organisations, communities and businesses who believe Australia can and should contribute to a fairer, more just world by increasing its Aid spending.

Both ABM and AID are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC). Registration with ACNC ensures we are accountable to the Australian government and the Australian public for what we do.