ABM’s Partner Anglicare Papua New Guinea says No to violence against women and girls
The crime of gender-based violence is a problem all over the world over. Sadly, and shamefully, it is something we Australians share with all ABM’s partners around the world. Just as we have seen people gathering together to protest against particularly heinous crimes in Australia, urging government and broader social action, so our partner in Papua New Guinea, Anglicare PNG, participated in a protest last week against a widely reported crime against a young woman there.
Anglicare’s National Director, Ms Heni Meke, says, “Violence against women has been so prevalent in PNG. Lately we had one very young mother age of 19 who was tortured by her partner until she lost her life. The issue is hot now where everyone is calling for justice. Tomorrow [Anglicare] will operate the work-place with only male staff while we women stay home to protest again, to say no to violence…. Anglicare PNG is going to prioritize efforts on campaigning against GBV and all forms of violence… Our new Church Partnership (CPP) officer who is looking after Child Protection, Gender and Disability is leading the awareness on Advocating against GBV.”
The protest is just one, more obvious, action that Anglicare PNG have taken to join forces with others in Papua New Guinea to address the issue.
Anglicare has recently begun introducing an Anglican Mothers’ Union program called Positive Parenting, funded by ABM supporters, which addresses family violence as part of its focus on raising healthy, happy children.
There are also plans to redirect Anglicare PNG’s long experience and expertise in HIV treatment and counselling to focus more on the scourge of violence against women and girls. Staff have recently completed some initial training offered by ABM in preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, and are keen to do much more.
ABM looks forward to hearing what Anglicare PNG and the Anglican Church of PNG does more broadly in this space, and asks you to join with us in praying for the ending of violence against women and girls in Papua New Guinea, Australia and in every country.