ABM’s 175th Anniversary
Wednesday 29 October 2025 marks the 175th anniversary of the formation of what became the Anglican Board of Mission (ABM). This will be an opportunity for all Australian Anglicans to acknowledge, honour and celebrate the past 175 years and lay a new foundation to propel ABM and AID into the next 175 years.

The Six Bishops at the 1850 Conference
Bishop Short (Adelaide), Bishop Selwyn (New Zealand), Bishop Nixon (Tasmania), Bishop Tyrrell (Newcastle), Bishop Perry (Melbourne), Bishop Broughton (Sydney)
This website contains information about celebratory events and resources for the 175th anniversary. The content will be updated as new events and resources are finalised.

Celebratory Events
- Sunday 26 October 2025
Cathedrals around Australia – services of thanksgiving - Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 October 2025 – Sydney
An interactive ABM Experience for ABM supporters - Wednesday 29 October 2025 – Sydney
175th Anniversary Eucharist and dinner - April 2026 – Solomon Islands
Full event details will be available soon at www.abmission.org/events.
We also invite your parish to host its own celebration and register it with us. We’ll help share and advertise it with supporters in your local area and promote it on our website. Please email info@abmission.org.au with the details.

Our ABM Story
ABM’s story is really the stories of all Australian Anglicans, just like yourselves. We encourage you to contribute your memories of ABM by sending in any stories, and an accompanying photo if you have one, of key moments in your ABM story. If you are sending in a photo, please be aware we need the permission from anyone who is easily recognisable in the photo and still alive. The photo file needs to be clearly named with your name, location etc. We will compile these for online viewing. Please complete the online form by clicking below, or contact Reception info@abmission.org.au for alternate means of submitting your story.

The resources that are being produced for the Anniversary will be available below as they are finalised. They will include liturgical resources, images, links to the keynote address and the ability to borrow a visual display.
175th Anniversary Logos
Please click the button below to download a folder of a range of 175th Anniversary logo files. If you require files for professional printing, please email info@abmission.org.au
New ABM Mission Posters
Please click the button below to download a folder containing the five new mission posters as .jpg files. You can print these as A4 or A3 or insert into documents, presentations or webpages.
There are printed A3 copies of posters 1-3 available. If you wish to order one or more of these three posters, please phone ABM Reception on 1300 302 663 or email info@abmission.org.au
Image of the Founding Bishops
Please click the button below to download a JPG image of the founding Bishops in 1850. Please use the following caption and credit:
The Six Bishops at the 1850 Conference: Bishop Short (Adelaide), Bishop Selwyn (New Zealand), Bishop Nixon (Tasmania), Bishop Tyrrell (Newcastle), Bishop Perry (Melbourne), Bishop Broughton (Sydney) © ABM
Liturgical Resources
These will be uploaded as soon as they are finalised.