Help support the proclamation of the Coming of the Light this Easter!
The Coming of the Light is a celebration of the Gospel in Australia and the contribution of Torres Strait Islander people, culture and spirituality to the wider church and society.
The Anglican Church ordained the first Torres Strait Islander priests in 1925, almost 100 years ago, and on 1 July 1986 Kiwami Dai was consecrated as the first Torres Strait Islander bishop.
In 2021, which marked the 150th anniversary of the Coming of the Light to the Torres Strait, the Diocese of North Queensland moved to establish a Torres Strait Islander ministry council to give autonomy over local church matters to Torres Strait Islander Anglicans. This council is known as the Meriba Maygi Zageth Anglican Council. “Meriba” means “Our” in the language of the Eastern Torres Strait Islands, and “Maygi Zageth” means “Holy Work” in the languages of the Central and Western Torres Strait Islands. Hence the name means “Our Holy Work” and is inclusive of language groups. The council is still in its early stages of establishment, with members coming together from across the Torres Strait to determine priorities and plans for their collective work.
Given the close cultural links between the Torres Strait and parts of Melanesia, churches in the Torres Strait have been encouraged by the re-establishment of a Melanesian Brothers household on Thursday Island. Brothers come from Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to carry out their mission at the invitation of churches and communities across the Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula.
Brother Kelliot, a Melanesian Brother who, until recently, served as Priest-in-Charge of All Souls and St Bartholomew on Thursday Island, says, “I am happy that I was given this position as a Priest-in-Charge, and I am enjoying being able to make my own program and attending to the ministry. I make visits to the hospital and the old peoples’ home. I celebrate and preach, taking communion out for those who are unable to come to the church… Once a month I visit Darnley Island (Erub) to take services there…We also go out and help people who need assistance, like manual labour. In the Melanesian Brotherhood we call this our ‘labour of love’.
“When I was told to come to Australia…This made me think more deeply into my calling and I put my trust in God that God would provide me everything I needed.
“One of the good things that I see is the different churches working together hand in hand.”
Across the island groups of the Torres Strait and as part of widespread diaspora, Torres Strait Islander Anglicans make a vibrant and vital contribution to our national church family.
Funds given to this appeal will support both the Meriba Maygi Zageth Anglican Council and the work of new Melanesian Brothers in the Torres Strait.
Help support the continuing proclamation of the Coming of the Light this Easter!
Jesus Christ,
Sun of Righteousness,
the eternal light of your Resurrection
fills the universe.
We offer you our thanks and praise
for the establishment of the
Meriba Maygi Zageth Anglican Council.
Guide its members with your light,
so that their work may indeed be holy,
and prosper for the benefit of the whole community.
Having followed your light,
may the Melanesian Brothers
who come to Australia
to minister in the Torres Strait and North Queensland
find a ready welcome
and may their ministries bear fruit that will last.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

Ringing the bell to celebrate the Coming of the Light at All Souls & St Bartholomew’s Church on Thursday Island. © Brad Chapman, ABM.

Celebrating the Coming of the Light at All Souls & St Bartholomew’s Church on Thursday Island. © Brad Chapman, ABM.

Bishop Keith Joseph, Diocese of North Queensland, with Brother Kelliot, Melanesian Brotherhood. © Brad Chapman, ABM.

The altar of All Souls & St Bartholomew’s Church, Thursday Island. © Brad Chapman, ABM.
Our aim for this appeal is to raise:
Donation code: EAWB2023
Not Tax-deductible
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We appreciate your gift to the Easter Gift 2023.